Lisa Compact
544 Maximum number of open files supported by the OS was reached [internal error]
545 Failure to send an HTTP request
546 Device is trying to connect an empty (non-configured) resource URL
549 Could not start player thread [internal error]
551 Failure to get or set the RTC date/time. Indicates potential hardware issue.
552 Failure to read or write data to the external serial flash memory [internal error]
553 Calculated memory address is out of range [internal error]
554 Downloaded size of the new schedule differs from the content length reported by the server
555 Failure to allocate requested memory for scheduler functionality [internal error]
556 Schedule file contains incomplete tasks or expired tasks
557 The command of at least one task in the schedule is not known by the device
558 The time, date or repetition interval of a task in the schedule is incorrect, or a non-repeating task
is outdated
559 The scheduler requires more time to process certain tasks, e.g. when interrupting other tasks.
Waiting for completion.
560 Task cannot be executed, pre-conditions are not met (e.g. commercial is only possible when
playing a playlist from card)
561 The card is required to execute a specific task, but there is no card mounted
562 Some (non-fatal) issue occurred during schedule update, e.g. expired, invalid, or incomplete
task(s) are found in the schedule
563 The card is required to execute specific task, but software edition of this device does not support
card functionality, or the device is not yet activated
v. 1.4Failure to allocate requested memory for remote monitoring functionality [internal error]
No schedule file was found on the card
v. 1.4Failed to create a connection with the remote server
Failure to allocate requested memory for remote monitoring functionality [internal error]
566 Failed to disconnect from the remote server