Lisa Compact
Playing a playlist?
In case the Lisa is already playing a playlist, this playback is stopped. This happens even if the Lisa
currently already plays the playlist that is requested. This makes it possible to restart playing a playlist,
from the same or a different point.
Random playback?
The playback of playlists can be done sequentially or randomized. If
playback of the playlist starts with a random entry of that playlist.
Note: The playlist may be the requested playlist, or '1.pls' if the selected playlist is not available.
If a specific entry was requested by a second parameter in the task or
, this parameter is
ignored if random playback is enabled.
Second parameter?
A specific entry may be requested by providing a second parameter in the task or
. If this
parameter is not given, playback starts with the first entry of the playlist (because random playback is
not enabled when the flow reaches this point).
Note: The playlist may be the requested playlist, or '1.pls' if the selected playlist is not available.
If a specific entry was requested by a second parameter in the task or
, this parameter is
ignored if the requested playlist was not available and '1.pls' was selected instead as fallback.
If a specific entry was requested and the second parameter is not ignored as indicated above, the
question is, if the requested entry exists, see below.
Entry exists?
If a specific entry was requested by a second parameter in the task or
, it is checked whether
the playlist contains the requested entry. If so, playback starts with the requested entry.
If the requested entry is not available, playback starts from the first entry of the playlist.
Start time set?
A playlist may contain a start time field. This indicates the time that the playlist should be started. At the
moment the playback of the playlist actually starts, the Lisa uses (and trusts) the track length information
in the playlist to determine the first entry for which the start time lies in the future (compared to the time
on the Lisa).
If there is no start time field in the playlist, playback starts from the first entry of the playlist.
Background: Streamit custom SD cards
The SD card is the key component in using Store-and-Forward and Fallback to card on Streamit’s audio
devices. Streamit always puts a lot of effort in making sure the hardware and software follows the SD
specifications. However, there are numerous manufactures each with their own implementation. These
implementations are also continuously updated and Streamit has no influence on that.