Lisa Compact
Commercials and Announcements
The support for Commercials and Announcements on the Lisa can be summarized as follows:
Commercials and announcements can be specified that will be played at indicated times ‘interrupting’
the playlist in the manner that is appropriate for the commercial or announcement:
A commercial is a track that is played between two music tracks at the indicated time or as soon after
that time as the currently playing track finishes.
An announcement is a track that is played at the indicated time, stopping the playback of the currently
playing track.
Working conditions
Commercials and announcements are played under certain conditions, as outlined below.
Playing commercials only works when the Lisa plays from the SD card (not in fallback mode). The Lisa
finishes reading the file that is currently being read into the playout buffer, and then starts the reading
the commercial file. When the end of the commercial file is reached, the Lisa will continue with the rest
of the playlist.
If the Lisa is off, or performing an update (up, uo) or cleanup (cc, ep, ec), the commercial is not played
and rescheduled (see
Handling task execution failure
). Ongoing tasks are not interrupted.
Playing of announcements is given more priority than playing commercials. This results in the following
If the Lisa is playing, all audio data already in the buffer is cleared and the announcement file starts
buffering. Playing starts shortly after. This introduces a delay (silence) of 3-4 seconds. Depending on
the prior situation, the Lisa reconnects to the stream (playing stream, fallback mode) or continues with
the rest of the playlist (playing from the SD card).
If the Lisa is off, or performing an update (up, uo) or cleanup (cc, ep, ec), the task is interrupted and
the announcement is played. When finished playing the announcement, the Lisa will power off again.
Programming the execution of commercials
To play commercials, the Lisa needs both the commercial tracks, as well as the planning. How the Lisa
receives the tracks and the planning, depends on the configuration platform. Please consult the user
manual of the configuration platform for more information.