Lisa Compact
223 Device tries to start a content update without having terminated the previous instance of the
content update [internal error]
226 No URLs are available for streaming. Configuration is not yet completed or device could not
connect to configuration resource.
227 Insufficient data is read for stable playback from the card. Re-buffering will follow with audio
silence during re-buffering.
228 Invalid playlist ID requested, playlist content is invalid, or there is no audio content available for the
playlist entries
230 Proxy server requires authentication from device
405 Remote software update failed to complete
406 No data read or received from configuration resource
407 Playlist inside (an online) playlist is not supported
408 Online playlist references file on the card, but card is not present
410 EOF reached for a file on the card that is referenced by online playlist
411 File that is referenced by online playlist is not found on the card
412 DNS retries have failed (device will try again, except for content update task)
413 Connection retries have failed (device will try again, except for content update task)
414 Too many redirects (device will try again, except for content update task)
415 Bad responses (or timeout) from server (device will try again, except for content update task)
416 Access to a web resource is denied by the server, e.g. because of invalid credentials
417 Requested content file not found on the card
418 Attempt to start a playlist which is already in use [internal error]
419 Maximum number of open files supported by the OS was reached [internal error]
420 Device needs to perform card related functionality (e.g., play content from card), but card is not
421 Failure to allocate requested memory for card functionality [internal error]
422 Card present in the device, but not useable