Lisa Compact
514 Failure to allocate requested memory for streamer functionality [internal error]
520 Size of downloaded software does not match the size reported in the update information file
521 Downloaded update software exceeds the maximum size supported for specific device type
[internal error]
522 Software was not downloaded completely or incorrect files were available on the software update
523 Remote software update is disabled (or size of update file on server is too small [internal error])
524 Failure to allocate required memory for software update or content update process [internal error]
525 Error accessing a card, writing to or reading from the card
526 Card required for content update, but no card was found. Content update will fail.
527 Card required for content update, but file system failed to mount the card. Content update will fail.
528 The content update information sent to the device is either empty or the content is not according to
529 The content update file incorrect
530 The software update information file incorrect
532 Failed to terminate the content update process in 30 seconds
533 Connection was terminated before a download to card was completed during content update
534 No more incoming data, before a download to card was completed during content update
535 Content update was terminated because of a new task executing, or user interaction (e.g. power
button, or command line instructions)
537 No usable network configuration. Tasks requiring network connection (e.g. content update) will fail
to execute.
538 The size of the downloaded file on the card differs from the content length reported by the server
(typical for interrupted content update)
539 Failure to allocate required memory resource for setting up a network connection [internal error]
540 Failure to create a socket for the connection [internal error]
541 Failure to set socket option MSS [internal error]
542 Failure to set socket option RCVTIMEO or SNDTIMEO [internal error]
543 Failure to set socket option RXBUF [internal error]