Prism6 & Crystal Reader software User Manual
Figure 30: Example of selection of nine chambers to calibrate the focus for the Opal chip in the
Crystal Reader software.
Click on the “SCAN” button on the bottom to launch the focus calibration process.
A progress bar is then displayed with the estimated remaining time.
At the end of the focus calibration process, a result page is displayed, showing the value
of the optimal focus (in mm) which maximizes the average value of the image sharpness
score among all the selected chambers, as well as the chamber image of the first selected
chamber at this optimal focus.
A table with all the computed sharpness scores for each selected chamber and each
tested z-value is also provided, together with a graph showing the sharpness score for
each chamber as a function of the tested z-value.
The user may select the other tested focus values by clicking on them in the table, to
check the sharpness of the chamber images acquired at different focus values.
The user may keep the optimal focus value or select a different focus value, then click on
“Apply this z-value” to apply this new focus value to all the next scanning processes for
the chip model of interest.
To cancel, click on the “Home” button on the top right.