Prism6 & Crystal Reader software User Manual
Figure 12
: Select the relevant “Embedded Files” for the experiment.
Note: The Image Analysis Configuration File (
“.yaml”) is mandatory in the experiment. When
selecting a scanning template provided by Stilla®, an Image Analysis Configuration File is
already set for the experiment.
Note: The embedded file selection menu is about supported files that can be pre-loaded in the
Crystal Reader user interface. The only mandatory file is the Image Analysis Configuration File.
The other files are optional. These files are loaded and then used in the Crystal Miner software
and provide a smoother user experience.
The Crystal Miner files (
“.ncm”, “.ncp”, “.nca”) can be imported and exported to the Crystal Miner
software, please refer to the Crystal Miner software User Manual for additional information.
Additional details about the files:
The “Image Analysis Configuration” field is an advanced setting.
If this field is empty, the software will automatically use the default image analysis
configuration file that is optimal for most experiments prepared by the user. The
specific files for different applications are available on the Monitor at this location
by default: “C:\Program Files\Stilla\CrystalMiner\config”.
“Spillover Compensation Matrix”- If the “Spillover Compensation Matrix” field is
it is possible to load an already created spillover compensation matrix
(using the matrix computation tool of the Crystal Miner software) by clicking on
the “Load” button in the “Spillover Compensation Matrix” widget and selecting the
“.ncm” file.
Note: The loaded spillover compensation matrix should correspond to the conditions of the
experiment (please see the Crystal Miner software User Manual for more details).
If a spillover compensation matrix is loaded, the fluorescence spillover will be automatically
applied at the launch of an experiment in the Crystal Miner software.
The spillover compensation matrix is experiment-dependent as it depends on the set of
fluorophores used but it may also depend on the biological setup (mastermix used) and
the scanning parameters (exposure times of the LEDs).