Assembly distance metal sheets
It is possible to mount metal sheets between the collectors for a homogenous appearance. The distance metal
sheets are only assembled for optical aspects and do not have any functional influence on the system. Therefore,
the distance metal sheets have to be ordered seperately and are not necessarily included in the delivery.
For the collector types FKA 200 V, FKA 240 V and FKA 270 V in every gap between the collectors two distance metal
sheets are mounted. For the collectors FKA 200 H, FKA 240 H and 270 H the assembly of one distance metal sheet is
planned. In case of multi-row systems, the distance metal sheets are mounted as described. The distance metal sheets
can be mounted from above or below.
Distance metal sheet
Distance metal sheets for the
assembly in one row
Fig. 1
The distance metal sheet is inserted from below into the collector
Fig. 2 and 3
In case of vertical collectors or rather in case of multi-row assembly
of the collectors further distance metal sheets are inserted
subsequently from below. The lower distance metal sheet must be
pushed over the upper one to the notches.
Afterwards, the distance metal sheets are pushed upwards.
Fig. 4
The distance metal sheet is pushed upwards until it is flush with the
lip (collector covering).
Fig. 5 and 6
To avoid injury, it is recommended to use a piece of wood to push
the distance metal sheets into the collector grooves. The distance
metal sheet is sticked in the collector groove to protect it against
slipping out. The silicone strip should have a length of 10 - 20 cm.
Please note that the distance metal sheet must be free of silicone
residue to ensure the flow of rain water.
1200043 Distance metal sheet FKA 200 V
1200039 Distance metal sheet FKA 240 V
1200040 Distance metal sheet FKA 270 V
1200042 Distance metal sheet FKA 240 H / 270 H