HLG01 Page
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2. You have been given a length of 1/8” dowel, cut this dowel into two equal sections and
use to align the fuselage parts as illustrated. Laminate these parts together using thin CA
glue. With the fuselage components bonded together glue the 1/8” dowels within the
alignment holes then cut and sand flush with outside surface of fuselage.
3. Assemble the pop-up tail boom. Locate the 1/8” laser cut hardwood fuselage pivot in
your parts bag and 13-1/4” length of 1/8” diameter carbon tube. The carbon tube is
keyed to the pivot as illustrated in the first photo below. Lay both the carbon tube and the
pivot atop a flat surface and bond these parts using thin CA glue. Make multiple
applications of glue between the boom and pivot allowing ample time for the glue to cure
between applications.