HLG01 Page
© 2007 Stevens AeroModel. All Rights Reserved.
Basic Instructions for HLG01:
Timer Theory
A loop of elastic thread, spring, or rubber band hooked around the rotating pin assembly will drive
the paddles within the timer body through the viscous putty loaded within the timer cavity. As the
pin rotates closer to parallel with the elastic thread, the thread slips off the pin assembly and
releases creating your trigger. You can increase the amount of time it takes prior to release by
rotating the pin and elastic further around the timer body. Temperature will affect the viscosity of
the putty so you will need to calibrate your timer in the environment you wish to use it in.
Elastic slides up and off of post
Timer Set
Timer Release Phase
Elastic provides tension to drive timer.
Rotate pin counter
clock-wise for more time.
Elastic provides tension to drive timer.
Dethermalizer Function
Rotate the pin of the timer to the nine-o-clock position. Loop your DT string up and over the top
of the wing from the trailing edge and hook the elastic band around the rotating pin of the timer.
The DT string must capture the leading edge of the pop-up fuselage boom to prevent it from
rotating to the vertical position.
Release the pin and your timer will begin to rotate clockwise. Once the timer pin reaches the two-
o-clock position it will release the elastic band. When the release occurs the DT string no longer
maintains it’s mechanical advantage over the rubber bands that drive the Pop-Up tail rotation and
the tail is free to rotate to the near vertical position.
Re-arm your timer as above and using a stop watch become familiar with the amount of time it
takes to release the Pop-Up tail from your start point on the timer.
To add time - rotate the timer pin counter-clockwise.
To reduce time - rotate the timer pin clockwise.
You should set your timer up so that it will reliably allow for a two minute flight. Two minutes is
the maximum amount of time necessary for competitive use. If you find that the timer runs too
fast to achieve your two minute duration: Replace the elastic tension band with one that is
longer and or thinner.
Disable the Dethermalizer
There’s an old saying that goes something like this “but it was just a test flight” which is often
followed by your prized HLG bounding skyward on a thermal never to be seen again. You should