HLG01 Page
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11. Tie a simple overhand knot to retain string at Right side DT guide. Cut excess string and
secure knot with a drop of thin CA glue.
12. Select one of the longer rubber bands from your assortment and place thread through the
loop in the end of you DT string. Loop one side of the rubber band back through itself to
secure to the end of the DT string. Rotate the pin on the viscous timer to the ten-o-clock
position and loop rubber band over pin. You’ll notice immediately that the viscous timer
begins to rotate clockwise in response to the load placed on the pin. When the timer
reaches the two-o-clock position it will release the rubber band.
13. Balance model. Two tiny laser cut holes have been cut central to wing panel 1
approximately 1-3/4” aft of wing leading edge at root. These holes mark your CG
location. Balance the model, so that the fuselage hangs level with the horizon when
suspended from this point, by filling ballast pocket at nose of glider with clay ballast.
Alternatively, lead shot may be mixed with clay to reduce the bulk of ballast used.
Optional, cover the ballast pocket with 1/32” plywood plug to create a streamlined
14. You may now remove the tape from step 9 that prevented the operation of the pop-up
fuselage and proceed to the Flight Trim Guide for trimming and operation instructions.