HLG01 Page
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2. Install main wing to fuselage. With wing inverted lightly sand a flat to underside if center
wing joint. Align wing with top trailing edge of fuselage assembly. Align center joint of
wing assembly with center line of fuselage. Slide the 3/16” balsa wing jigs up from
bottom of fuselage to assist with holding the wing square while you tack glue the wing to
hold position. With the wing tack glued in place you will be able to adjust/align how it sits
atop the fuselage. Verify that the wing has been installed square relative to the fuselage.
Note the slight tilt to the stabilizer assembly in the drawing below as produced in step 1
(as viewed from rear of model). Once satisfied with installation apply liberal amounts of
thin CA glue to adjoining surfaces of wing and fuselage. Allow glue to cure then re-apply.
1/8 in.
3. Finger rest installation. Locate the 1/8” balsa triangular finger rest slightly round the
longest edge of the finger rest as illustrated below. Invert your glider and test-fit the
finger rest to the underside of the right wing panel. Lightly sand the inside edge of the
finger rest to allow it to seat flush against the fuselage side. Once satisfied with the fit
install the finger rest spanning the fuselage side and flush with the wing trailing edge.
Glue. Once the glue has cured, curl a length of fine sand paper around your finger and
sand a scallop in the trailing edge of the wing to match flush with the scallop cut in the
finger rest.
Lefties! Install your finger rest on to the Left wing panel.