HLG01 Page
© 2007 Stevens AeroModel. All Rights Reserved.
Do’s and Don’ts of Throwing
Do give the model a powerful throw however, don’t hurt yourself the more you throw the
more your power will develop.
Do throw the model just to the right* of the oncoming wind.
Do not aim the model too high. Release the model at or below 45 degrees it will climb
out briskly from there.
Do bank the model at 45 degrees away from your body when throwing.
Do be mindful of what is down-wind from you. Always throw from the up-wind portion of
the field.
Do not continue to throw a model that is out of trim as each crash risks damage to your
model. Always use your throws productively making trim changes as described in the
chart at the back of this manual to perfect your gliders performance.
Do not tempt Mr. Murphy – law states that if you show up to the field with only one glider
– you’ll loose it! Bring at least two HLG01’s each flying session or risk being subject to
“Murphy’s Law”.
Do bring your son and daughter along they will enjoy throwing and retrieving just as much
as you!