HLG01 Page
© 2007 Stevens AeroModel. All Rights Reserved.
If the model noses down:
Release the DT string to gain access to the incidence adjustment
screw and rotate screw counter-clockwise increase tail boom incidence.
If the model noses up:
Release the DT string to gain access to the incidence adjustment screw
and rotate screw clockwise decrease tail boom incidence.
Once you have achieved a level glide with no tendency for the model to dive or stall you are
ready for your first throw.
First Throw
Arm the Dethermalizer allowing for no more than 15-20 seconds of time prior to release of DT
string. Grasp the model with your thumb and middle finger on either side of the fuselage. Rest
you index finger on the finger rest pocket. Release the timer. If a light breeze is present always
face the model into the wind and throw just to the right* of the oncoming wind. Give a firm side
arm throw up at about a 30-45 degree angle with the model banked away from your body at 45
degrees. Observe the models behavior.
Ideally, the model should climb briskly from the release point then, after gaining approximately 50
ft. of altitude, roll left* and transition into a flat left* turn glide pattern of about 100’ in diameter.
Experiment with your throwing. In many cases, problems with the models transition and altitude
gain can be attributed to your throwing technique.