HLG01 Page
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4. Wash-in wedge. Locate the 1/8” balsa “wedge” at this point it looks more like a block
than a wedge (first photo). Using a sanding block, taper the wedge evenly along the
length of the wedge (second photo). Install this wedge with the thickest point flush with
trailing edge of Left wing panel just outside of the first dihedral break (third photo).
Lefties! You will install wash-in wedge to Right wing panel.
5. Pop-Up spring forward lug assembly. From the remaining t-pin stock bend another “S”
hook just as you did in step 13 of the fuselage assembly. Measure 3/4” from wing trailing
edge and install this hook along center joint as illustrated. When inserting the hook drive
the straight pin portion of the hook at a 45 degree angle into the body of the wing and
fuselage. Glue.