HLG01 Page
© 2007 Stevens AeroModel. All Rights Reserved.
5. Protect wing assembly by spraying a light coat of clear wood finish over wood surface.
We suggest any non-water based spray such as Lacquer or Urethane. Water based
Acrylic sprays may warp your wing!
Fuselage Assembly
1. Begin assembly by laying out the three major fuselage components we will refer to these
from left to right in the photo below. Notice that the major fuselage components
assemble to create the following: A pocket for ballast which is left open on the RIGHT
side of the glider. A cavity for timer media which is left open on the LEFT side of the
Lefties! the fuselage parts layout order will need to be reversed to place the timer
media cavity on the right side of the glider. To build a left handed fuselage simply swap
the top and bottom plywood parts in the first photo set.