HLG01 Page
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6. Timer top assembly. Center the 1/16” ply bushing on 1/32” ply timer chamber top. Use
the ¼” x 1/16” OD aluminum tube to center the parts (first photo). Allow aluminum tube
to protrude beyond back side of 1/32” ply chamber by 1/64” (second photo). Secure
tube, ply bushing, and chamber to parts using thin CA glue. DO NOT ALLOW GLUE
WITHIN 1/16” aluminum tube.
7. Timer mechanism assembly. Insert 1” T-Pin through aluminum tube as illustrated (first
photo). With T-Pin bottomed out against back side of timer top assembly, grasp pin just
beyond where it extends out top of timer assembly and bend to 90 degrees (second
photo). Note: You’ll want your bend to be as close to the point at which pin exits
aluminum tube to reduce slop. Check to be certain your pin rotates freely within timer top
assembly and adjust to eliminate binding, if required (third photo).