© 2008 Stevens AeroModel.
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17. Install the provided ¼ in. square balsa stock to the notches at the leading edge of the wing tip ribs. Retain with
thin CA glue.
Trim and sand flush the ¼ in. square balsa stock where it overhangs rib R6.
18. Locate the 1/8 in. balsa cross grain wing tip doublers W8 (sheet 11/21) there are four of these. Match and bond
using medium CA glue two each of part W8 to both the right and left wing tips on both sides of the W7 wing tip.
Complete the wing tip by sanding W8 and the wing tip round.
In many of these steps we’ve simply tack glued parts using only a small drop to
hold the assembly together while additional parts are installed. Now is the time to revisit all of these joints and
thoroughly bond the wing. Lay the wing flat on top of your building board and revisit all joints previously tack
glued with thin CA glue. Apply a gap filling medium CA glue to all off-angle joints such as those found where
R6 meets the trailing edge of the wing tip.
In preparation for covering lightly sand the wing tip with 400 to 600 grit paper.
Use a razor plane, sanding bar, sanding block, or some combination thereof to round the leading edge to match
that of the airfoil profile. You may use the wing saddle of the fuselage to verify the fit. Just as the turbulators sit
proud above the inner wing ribs and flush with the outer wing ribs so does the leading edge. Use your 1/16 in.
balsa scrap to verify that you’ve set the proper height of the leading edge relative to the top surface of the
interior wing ribs R6b through R10a.