© 2008 Stevens AeroModel.
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Control Linkage
This section requires that you have completed and covered fuselage. Covering has been omitted from photographed
1. Temporarily mount horizontal fin using the provided 4-40 x 3/8 in. nylon bolts and tail skid assembly as
illustrated below. Then key vertical fin to fuselage and square to horizontal stabilizer. Tack glue vertical fin to
retain position THEN REMOVE THE HORIZONTAL STABILIZER and thoroughly glue the vertical fin to
permanently retain.
Using a hobby knife or 0.047 in. drill bit ream the holes of the provided DuBro Micro II Control Horns (DUB919)
to readily accept the provided pushrod wire from the DuBro Micro II (DUB922) pushrod kit. Test fit wire to each
hole position prior to installing control horn in next step.
Poke two holes in your covering over the pre-drilled install points for the control horn. Install the modified DuBro
Micro II Control Horn (DUB919) at these pre-drilled points on Elevator and Rudder assembly to the
corresponding side where your push rod housing exits the fuselage. See illustration below. Bond control horn
to control surface using thin and medium CA glue. Trim barbed end of control horn where it extends beyond the
opposite side of the control surface.