Desktop Mount / EyeLink Remote Installation
2005-2010 SR Research Ltd.
Desktop Mount / EyeLink Remote Installation
Please follow the steps below to set up the EyeLink 1000 Desktop Mount. Figure 4-1 illustrates
adjustable parts of the EyeLink 1000 Desktop Mount, using a Standard Camera.
Figure 4-1: EyeLink 1000 Desktop Mount Components
Mounting the EyeLink 1000 High-Speed Camera and Cabling
The EyeLink 1000 Desktop and Long Range Mounts can be configured to track eye movements
up to 2000 Hz monocularly or 1000 Hz binocularly (with the 2000 Hz camera upgrade). The
angle of the camera should be adjusted differently depending on the mount type you plan to
use. Each mount type works optimally with different camera lenses (see Table 2).
Figure 4-2: Desktop Mount Camera Adjustment
Follow the steps below to mount the high-speed camera for monocular tracking or to use the
EyeLink Remote – in the Camera Level position (see Figure 4-3):