Installation and System Cabling
2005-2010 SR Research Ltd.
Figure 2-2: Host and Display PC Basic Cabling
Standard Camera System Wiring
Standard Camera cabling steps for the Host PC are (see Figure 2-2):
1. If not already completed, attach the keyboards, mouse, power cords, monitors etc. to
the Host and Display PCs.
2. Connect one end of the Ethernet crossover cable provided with your system to the
Ethernet card port on the Host PC marked with an “EyeLink Ethernet” label. Connect
the other end of the cable to the Ethernet port on the Display PC that you will later
configure for use with the EyeLink system. Ensure the cable is securely connected at
both ends.
Do NOT connect the crossover cable to the Ethernet port on the Host PC marked
“LAN/WAN”, which is on the motherboard. This port may be used to access the Internet
when running Windows.
3. Connect one end of the CameraLink Cable provided with your system to the High-speed
Frame Grabber card interface on the back of the Host PC. Ensure the CameraLink cable