4. 189 hit the following numbers 19, 10, 18, 5, 11 in sequence
The player must hit a given section of the number to move on to the next
Hitting the
– count x 1
Hitting the
– count x 2
Hitting the
– count x 3
Game 14: G14 Hi-Score (H03, H05, H07, H09, H11, H13, H15, H17,
H19, H21)
1. It is important to hit any section.
03, 05, …21 means the number of rounds in each game. Each player
has three hits in each round.
Hitting the
– count x 1
Hitting the
– count x 2
Hitting the
– count x 3
3. After finishing all the rounds, a player who has scored the highest
number of points wins.
Game 15: G15 All Five (31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91) (NOTE! If the dart
misses the dartboard, then press the
“MISS” button.)
In every round, each player must gain number of points divisible by 5. For
“five", the player gets 1 point, for example, 2,8,5 = 15, i.e. the player
gets 3 points.
There are no points if:
a. the total amount of points gained after three throws is not divisible
by 5,
b. the player missed with at least one dart, although the total amount
of points gained after two throws is divisible by 5.
The player, who first scores the following:
31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91
, is the
Game 16: G16 ShangHai (101, 105, 110, 115)
1. 101
– you need to hit the sections numbered 1 through 20 and
2. 105 - you need to hit the sections numbered 5 through 20 and
3. 110 - you need to hit the sections numbered 10 through 20 and
4. 115 - you need to hit the sections numbered 15 through 20 and
Only hitting the sections of a given range counts. The player, who scores
the highest number of points, wins.
Game 17: G17 Forty one (040)
The initial result is 40 points. Every player throws three times and hits the
sections numbered 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, and
. By hitting any
section, you will score some points. If none of three darts hits a given
section, the player is excluded from the game or 40 are reduced by half.
As for the latter option, the total of the three throws must be 41; otherwise
the points are reduced by half. The player with the highest number of
points wins.
Game 18: G18 Double Down (D40)
The initial result is 40 points. If a player hits the sections numbered 15, 16
– they are counted x 1, sections 17, 18 – are counted x 2, and sections
19, 20 as well as
- are counted x 3. If none of the three darts
hits a selected section, the player decreases 40 by half. The player with
the highest number of points wins.
Game 19: G19 Gotcha (101, 201, 301, 401, 501, 601, 701, 801, 901)
1. The section is chosen randomly. The player's task is to hit the chosen
2. Each player has 0 points at the beginning, after scoring the points are
added together. The player, who gains a specified number of points
first, is the winner. If the sum exceeds a specified number of points,
the result will not be added.
3. If the opposing player gains the same number of points as the player
#1, the player #2 wins and the points of the player #1 are reset.
Game 20: G20 Big Little (Simple 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
Each player has an original number of “lives”, when a player loses
them all, he/ she is eliminated from the game. The players are
supposed to hit the randomly indicated board segments. The winner
is the player who remains in the game the longest.
2. If a player hits the target number with the first or the second dart, he/
she can indicate a segment of the board for the next player (so the
next player has to hit the segment that the previous player has hit). If
the next player hits the indicated target three times or does not
indicate a new target, the new target will be randomly indicated by the
next player. If a player fails to hit the indicated target with all three
darts, he/ she loses points and the next player will have to hit the
same target.
Hitting any segment of the board for the target number is
scored. It does not matter whether
field has
been hit.
OPTIONS (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
– stand for the number of “lives” of a
particular player.
The winner is the player who the longest keeps a “life”.
Game 21: G21 Big Little (Hard H03, H04, H05, H06, H07, H08, H09,
1. Each player has a basic number of "lives". When the player loses
– he/she is excluded from the game. Players are to hit the
randomly selected target sections of the dartboard. The player who
stays in the game longest is the winner.
2. Hitting the number indicated during the first or second throw allows
the player to specify a section for the opposing player to hit (i.e. the
opposing player has to hit the segment hit also by the previous
player). If the opposing hits the target three times in a row or he/she
fails to assign a new target, it will be determined randomly by the next
player. If the player misses the specified target during their three
throws, he/she loses their points and the next player has the chance
to hit the target.
Hitting only the same target section on the dartboard counts. You
need to hit the
OPTIONS (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
– means the number of "lives" of a
particular player.
The player
who “stays alive” longest is declared the winner.
Game 22: G22 Killer (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21)
OPTIONS: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21
stand for the number of the
player’s “lives”.
After switching the game on, the display screen shows
means that the player is supposed to choose his/ her segment of
game. The segment that the player hits becomes his/ her segment.
Then the button “
” needs to be pressed and the next player
chooses his/ her segment. The game starts when all the players have
chosen their segment of game.
When a player hits his/ her segment of game, he/ she is nicknamed
the ”
If the “killer” hits his/ her opponent’s segment, the opponent loses one
“life”. The players can check how many “lives” they still have by
pressing the button “SCORES”.
If the player nicknamed the
hits his/ her segment of game, he/
she loses the nickname
and loses one “life”.
The “killer” is supposed to hit his/ her opponents’ segments and
deprive them of their “lives”.
If a particular segment has been hit, the sound “Yes” can be heard, if
not, “Sorry” can be heard.
Options (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15,
17, 19, 21) mean that the “
to hit (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21) times his/ her opponents’
segments in order to win. It does not matter whether these are
segments of Single, Double or Triple type.
The winner is the player who has deprived the other players of all
their “lives”.
The game should be played by more than two players.
Game 23: G23 Killer-Double (203, 205, 207, 209, 211, 213, 215, 217,
219, 221)
OPTIONS: 203, 205, 207, 209, 211, 213, 215, 217, 219, 221
stand for
the number of the
player’s “lives”.
1. After switching the game on, the display screen shows
, which
means that a player is supposed to choose his/ her segment of game.
The segment that the player hits becomes his/ her segment. Then the
button “
” needs to be pressed and the next player chooses his/
her segment. The game starts when all the players have chosen their
segment of game.
2. When a player hits his/ her segment of game, he/ she is nicknamed
If the “killer” hits his/ her opponent’s segment, the opponent loses one
“life”. The players can check how many “lives” they still have by
pressing the button “SCORES”.
4. If the player nicknamed the
hits his/ her segment of game, he/
she loses the nickname
and loses one “life”.
The “killer” is supposed to hit his/ her opponents’ segments and
deprive them of their “lives”.
If a particular segment has been hit, the sound “Yes” can be heard, if
not, “Sorry” can be heard.
Summary of Contents for 84855
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