Network address
The portion that identifies the local network (subnet) in
an IP address.
Network bandwidth
Bit rate that can be used for networking.
NTP server
Acronym for Network Time Protocol server. Network
time server that transmits time information used in the
Primary DNS server
One of the DNS servers that can first reply to a request
by connected devices or other DNS servers.
Proxy server
A server or software that acts as an intermediary
between a local network and the Internet so that it can
connect to the Internet in place of a computer on a local
Acronym for Real Time Transport Control Protocol.
This is a protocol to transfer the receiver quality and the
information such as sending condition and session
completion to the sending side for transferring the data
with RTP.
Acronym for Real Time Transport Protocol.
This is a transfer protocol for delivering stream data
such as audio and video in real-time.
It defines a system where the receiver can order the
packets in the correct order for packetization of data by
adding the sequence number and the timestamp
information to the packet header.
Acronym for Real Time Streaming Protocol.
This is a protocol to control streaming of real-time data
such as audio and videos over IP network. RTSP can
control playback/stop of streaming.
Secondary DNS server
Subsidiary DNS server used when a primary DNS server
cannot be used.
The degree to which the boundary of two portions is
clearly distinguished.
Acronym for Secure Sockets Layer. This is a protocol
developed by Netscape Communications Corporation to
be used for communications of encrypted data on the
Subnet mask
32-bit stream used to distinguish the subnet address
from an IP address.
Acronym for Transmission Control Protocol. A standard
protocol used for Internet connection. Compared with
the other protocol, UDP, TCP provides reliable
communication but communication speed is slower.
Acronym for User Datagram Protocol. A standard
protocol used for Internet connection. Compared with
the other protocol, TCP, UDP can transmit data faster,
but reliable communication is not guaranteed.
Transmission of data to specified equipment on a
network by specifying a single address.
VBR stands for Variable Bit Rate control. When you
select this setting, the bit rate will be adjusted to suit the
camera scene.