User Manual for the Type 8300 Compatt 6
(and Variants)
UM-8300-Compatt 6
Issue B3
15. Clicking
Enable Delete
will activate the
button to appear at the end of each installed
firmware (clicking
will remove that firmware).
16. After an old firmware version has been erased, the
Start Bootload
button will appear.
17. Click Start Bootload to start uploading the new firmware
18. After
Start Bootload
is selected, a percentage uploading bar will display the progress.
19. After the upload has completed a Bootloading Success window will appear.
20. Click
to confirm the installation is a success.
21. The new uploaded program will appear in the selected App Window.
22. Close the Get and Display the DSP’s Table of Content window.
23. To confirm the new firmware is working, on the main Bootloader screen, click on the TOC and
the new firmware should be displayed highlighted in green.
10.3 DAS Firmware Update
To update the DAS firmware:
1. A CD installed with 6GTerminal Lite and DASCAL software is supplied to assist with the upgrade
of the DAS firmware
2. Connect the Dual Serial Cable as described in
Section 9.3.1 "Connecting the Dual Serial Cable"
3. Connect the CPU and the DAS connectors to the comms ports on the PC.
Section 10 – Firmware Update