User Manual for the Type 8300 Compatt 6
(and Variants)
UM-8300-Compatt 6
Issue B3
Section 5 – Deployment
5.1 Introduction
Before deploying the equipment, ensure
is read and fully understood.
Deployment of a transponder can take many forms. The following sections detail common deployment
5.2 Lifting
The shackle on the transducer guard can be used to lift the transponder.
Lifting eyes on the floatation collar can be used (if fitted).
5.3 Deployment from Ship
5.3.1 Recommended Method
1. The recommended method of deploying a transponder from a surface vessel is as follows:
2. Thread a loop of rope through an eye in the anchor weight. Make fast one end of the rope. Take
the strain on the free end.
3. Lower the transponder and float to the water so they stream behind the ship as it approaches the
drop position.
4. Lower the weight to the water line, allowing the rope to slip through the eye.
5. When on location let go of the free end of the rope. The weight will sink immediately, pulling the
transponder with it.
6. Recover the free end of the rope.
5.3.2 Additional Deployment methods
Roll the Transponder off the Deck
Roll the transponder off the deck and the weights will follow.
Figure 5–1 Rolling the Transponder off the Deck
Section 5 – Deployment