Smiths Aerospace
Electronic Systems – Malvern
BOEING B737-100/200/300/400/500
(a) Open fueling station door.
(b) Calculate the fuel quantity for each tank using the fuel measuring sticks (Ref. 12-11-00 SRV).
(c) Verify that the calculated fuel quantity (using fuel measuring sticks) for each tank is within
+/- 400 lbs of the fuel quantity shown on the fuel quantity indicator.
(d) If within these limits and the TSU was not changed since the last system calibration, then
system checks OK. If TSU was changed since last calibration, perform system empty
calibration only per 4.A (skip step 4.A.5), and 4.B (skip steps 4.B.12,4.B.14, 4.B.25 and
4.B.26); do not change parameters P04, P05, P10 and P11.
(e) For tanks not meeting (a), perform complete system test and calibration per paragraphs 3
and 4.
3. System Test - Fuel Quantity Indicating System
A. Special Tools and Equipment
(1) System test unit (one of the following)
(a) Model PSD40-1, J. C. Air, 400 New Century Parkway, New Century, KS 66031
(b) Model PSD60-1, J. C. Air
(c) Model PSD60-2, J. C. Air
(d) Model PSD60-2R, J. C. Air
(2) Test harness (use one of these):
You must control the quality of the test cables. Make sure stray capacitance for the
test cables is less than 0.2 pf
(a) J. C. Air Test Cables and Adapters (recommended):
1) PSD40-503 or PSD60-503 T-Cable
2) PSD40-502 or PSD60-502 adapter (center tank only)
3) PSD40-502-3 or PSD60-502-3 adapter (tanks No. 1 and 2 only)
4) Ground
(b) Boeing test cables with adapters (optional):
1) F72731-118
2) Tee
a) LC-93-03 (Kings Electronics, 40 Marblehead Road, Tuckahow, NT 10707) – for Lo-Z
connections, two are necessary
b) UG274A/U – for Hi-Z connection, one is necessary
3) Adapter cables (fabricated locally):
a) Adapter cables – 50 ohm, unshielded, with polarized BNC plug (Amphenol 14625) to
connect to the Lo-Z receptacles of the test unit and polarized BNC jack (Kings LC-33-
02) to connect to the tee connector, two are necessary.
Unshielded cables on Lo-Z connections can cause EMI problems.
Page 503
Dec 18/02
Airplanes with Smiths 2307 Model Fuel Quantity Indicators
with TSU