If you don’t have an Ilok 2 or 3 dongle, you will need to order one to use the Raven. You can
purchase from a dealer or a local music technology store. This iLok dongle is required for the
RAVEN software and touch driver to be licensed.
Users can report any passcode issues here:
iLok Licensing
Copy the iLok redeem code from the registration email
and paste it into the redeem tab of the iLok License
Manager More info can be found in the video here:
RAVEN Passcode
Every RAVEN will contain a passcode inside the box,
users need to register this passcode in order to create
the RAVEN product Page in their Slate account, as well as
generate the iLok license needed to unlock the software.
After registering the Passcode an email will be sent with
a iLok Redeem code.
Downloads and Videos:
After registering the passcode, users will be
automatically logged in to their Slate account
where the RAVEN downloads and videos can be
found. Navigate to the RAVEN MTI tab in your
Slate account and go to the downloads section
to access the installers for the type of system
being used.