CR40/42/50 MKII Position menus
Chapter 4
the numeric keys 0-9 to alter the figure.
Display position as
– the position can be shown in latitude/longitude,
Loran C or decca coordinates (after selecting chain). Toggle with +/-.
Delta position
– some paper charts do not indicate a datum, but instead
they have a notation to an offset or delta position to WGS84.
Use numeric keys to key in the position correction.
Start position
– can be inserted if exact start position is known.
Speed and course filter level
– there is a speed and course filter of 10
steps available (0= fast response, 9= stable readout).
Display speed as
– SOG Speed Over Ground or STW Speed Through
Water. Toggle with +/-.
to receive STW information from external instrument (via NMEA
port) will require that NMEA sentence VHW and “Log speed sensor”
are set to ON in. Refer to section 8.2.1 and 8.2.2.
Course and bearing
– readings of course and bearing can be made in
. Toggle with +/-.
Altitude mode
– is preset to automatic, but can be changed to manual.
Toggle with +/-.
Manual antenna altitude
– is preset to 5m. Insert actual antenna
height if manual altitude mode is selected. This value will not be
shown anywhere else, but will be used for computations.
Display depth in position display
– if set to YES, then the depth will
be shown when NMEA depth data is received from connected depth
When set to NO, then “Compass” from connected sensor (compass)
will be shown instead.
– can be set to UTC or local. Toggle with +/-.
Correct actual time and date by means of the numeric keys.