CR40/42/50 MKII ECHO and SPECIAL menus
Chapter 8
PAGE rotation interval
– can be set to anywhere between 03 to 99
seconds. Refer to “Fundamentals of the WINdow and PAGE system”
in section 2.1 for more details on how the function works.
Display text in
– as standard the CRXX is supplied with the following
display languages to choose from: Danish (DK), English (GB), English
(US), French (F), German (D), Italian (I), Nederlands (NL), Spanish
(E), Swedish (S), and Portuguese (P).
8.2.2 Interface setup, NMEA
The CRXX has 2 in/out ports:
1. NMEA1 contains both an NMEA port and the connection for the
dual station. The NMEA1 data from the main unit is available from
NMEA2 port on the dual station.
2. NMEA2 is recommended for standard NMEA interfacing.
The two ports can be set individually to:
EXT. DGPS (External DGPS)
The next pages indicates the default settings for the interface setups.
After the interface setups will follow a description of the input and
output sentences available in the setups.
Call up the menu bar, and…
load Interface setup
Toggle between INPUT and OUTPUT
Go to, and…
Toggle between individual port settings i.e.
NMEA0180, NMEA0182.