Chapter 6
| Remote Monitoring Commands
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Command Usage
By default, each index number equates to a port on the switch, but can be
changed to any number not currently in use.
If statistics collection is already enabled on an interface, the entry must be
deleted before any changes can be made with this command.
The information collected for each entry includes:
input octets, packets, broadcast packets, multicast packets, undersize packets,
oversize packets, fragments, jabbers, CRC alignment errors, collisions, drop
events, and packets of specified lengths
Console(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
Console(config-if)#rmon collection rmon1 controlentry 1 owner mike
show rmon alarms
This command shows the settings for all configured alarms.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Console#show rmon alarms
Alarm 1 is valid, owned by
Monitors every 30 seconds
Taking delta samples, last value was 0
Rising threshold is 892800, assigned to event 0
Falling threshold is 446400, assigned to event 0
show rmon events
This command shows the settings for all configured events.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Console#show rmon events
Event 2 is valid, owned by mike
Description is urgent
Event firing causes log and trap to community , last fired 00:00:00