Hardware Continued
3 Pushrod Connectors (Throttle &
Tiller Bar)
1 EM-001 (pair) Engine Mounts
1 Nylon Tailwheel Bracket
1 Nylon Tailwheel Steering Arm
2 1/16" Wheel Collars (for Tailwheel)
Miscellaneous Parts
1 .090 Aluminum Main Gear
1 1"x24" Fiberglass Tape (Wing
Center Joint)
1 1/16" dia.x18" Steel
Cable (for Thr.Pushrod)
1 1/8" o.d.x20" Small Nylon Pushrod
Tubing (for Throttle Pushrod, Pull-
Pull Cable Guides)
2 1/8" o.d.x36" Small Nylon Pushrod
Tubing (for inner part of Elev, Rud
2 3/16" o.d.x36" Large Nylon
Pushrod Tubing (for outer part of
Elev, Rud Pushrods)
4 3/32" o.d.x1/2"
Aluminum Tubes (Pull-
Pull Cables)
1 .027x6’ Steel Cable (Pull-Pull Cable)
16 SIG Easy Hinges
1 10"x27" Decal Sheet
1 38"x50" Plate #1 Full Size Plan
1 38"x50" Plate #2 Full Size Plan
1 Instruction Book
Wood Parts Identification
Wood parts such as standard stick and sheet stock, leading edges, trailing edges, ailerons, elevator, etc., are all easily
identifiable by comparing their shape and dimensions to the plans and the "KADET LT-25 COMPLETE PARTS LIST" (above);
therefore we did not feel that there was any need to label these parts. On the other hand, proper identification of the different
wing ribs, wing sheeting, fuselage formers, etc., can be confusing because some of them are very similar looking, but in fact
they are quite different. Wherever possible, we have labeled (printed) these parts.