Siemens AG 6SE8004-0BH76
SIMOVERT MV Commissioning Instructions
Actual value displays
Two of a total of 24 process data can be simultaneously displayed (upper and
lower display line). 24 values are sub-divided onto two panels for selection
(V1..V12 and SHIFT+V1..V12).
The two panels can be sub-divided according to setpoint and actual values as
required (for example, 20 actual values or also only 3 can be configured). The sub-
division according to setpoints and actual values is exclusively realized by
appropriately configuring the SIMADYN D:
The selected process data values are always displayed, as pre-set in the
normalized representation type and with dimension information and name. If a
name has not been configured, then the designator "VALUE xy“ (xy = 1 ..24) is
displayed as pre-set.
If a process data is selected which is not configured, then operating message 14 is
displayed ("NO MEASURED VALUE INITIALIZED“). This text is displayed for 3
seconds, and then the previous value is re-displayed.
The actual values can be visualized on the OP2 operator control device display:
Speed actual value as a percent referred to the rated motor speed
Motor current actual value as a percent referred to the rated motor current
Motor voltage as a percent referred to the rated motor voltage
DC link voltage as a percent referred to the rated DC link voltage
Motor active power as a percent referred to the rated motor output
Motor cos Phi
Operating hours of the drive converter (0 - 24)
Operating days of the drive converter (1 - 32000)
V1 (V13)
n_max clockwise rotating field, entered from OP2 within the start-up limits
V2 (V14)
n_max counter-clockwise rotating field, entered from OP2 within the start-
up limits
V3 (V15)
n_min clockwise rotating field, entered from OP2 within the start-up limits
V4 (V16)
n_min counter-clockwise rotating field, entered from OP2 within the start-
up limits
V5 (V17)
Fixed setpoint 1, entered from OP2 within the start-up limits
V6 (V18)
Fixed setpoint 2, entered from OP2 within the start-up limits
V7 (V19)
Inching setpoint, entered from OP2 within the start-up limits
V8 (V20)
Ramp-up time 1, entered from OP2 within the start-up limits
V9 (V21)
Ramp-down time 1, entered from OP2 within the start-up limits
V10 (V22) Maximum torque, motoring, entered from OP2 within the start-up limits
V11 (V23) Value selection to represent/display the binary vectors for key
"Shift+V12" of the OP2 (also refer to Section 5.2.7)
V12 (V24) Actual value display of the binary vector selected by key "Shift+V11"