Comfort Panels
Operating Instructions, 07/2017, A5E36770603-AB
I/O field
An I/O field enables the input or output of values on the HMI device which are transferred to
the controller.
An infotext is a configured information on objects within a project. Infotext for an alarm, for
example, may contain information on the cause of the fault and troubleshooting routines.
Job mail
A job mail triggers a function for the controller on the HMI device.
An object is a project element such as a screen or an alarm. Objects are used to view or
enter texts and values on the HMI device.
Operating element
An operating element is a component of a project used to enter values and trigger functions.
A button, for example, is an operating element.
Process visualization
Process visualization is the representation of technical processes by means of text and
graphic elements. Configured system screens allow operator intervention in active system
processes using the input and output data.
A project is the result of a configuration using a configuration software. The project normally
contains several screens with embedded system-specific objects, basic settings and alarms.
A project configured with WinCC is saved in a file with extension "*. ap1x", where "x" stands
for the version key. Example: "MyProject.ap14" for a WinCC V14 project.
Project file, executable
An executable project file is the file generated for a particular HMI device within the scope of
configuration. The executable project file is transferred to the associated HMI device where it
is used to operate and monitor systems. The executable project file is always stored on the
HMI device under "\Flash\Simatic\".
The file extension of an executable project file is "*.fwf".