Fail-safe operation of the Mobile Panel 277F IWLAN
Function Manual, 08/2008, 6AV6691-1FQ01-2AB0
"override" mode
Activating, 25
Deactivating, 26
"Override" mode
Application, 24
Requirements, 24, 49
Sample configuration, 25
suitable protective measures, 49
Acceptance, 77
Effective ranges and transponders, 78, 79
F CPU and fail-safe I/O, 77
Safety program, 78
Activating override
Application case, 95
Ambient conditions
Climatic, charging station, 44
Climatic, HMI device, 43
Climatic, transponder, 44
Tested for, 43
Application case
Activating override, 95
Closing override, 96
Communication error, 98
Detecting the effective range, 91
Exiting the effective range, 94
Graphic representation, 84
Internal error, 97
Log off at the effective range, 93
Log on at the effective range, 92
Remove, 90
structure, 84
Switch on the HMI device., 85
Unattended in effective range, 84
Application Planning
Check list, 41
Application scenario
Communication error after integration, 87
Discrepancy error after integration, 88, 89
Application scenario
at the effective range
At the effective range
Approvals, 31
Authentication, 52
Basic knowledge
Required, 3
Object, 75
Safety instructions, 29
Bridging battery
Maintenance cycle, 105
CE approval, 31
Check list
Application Planning, 41
Data security, 51
Function test, 105
Maintenance, 105
Planning the system, 45
Configuration, 53, 59
Closing override
Application case, 96
between HMI device and PLC, 55
Communication error, 101
Application case, 98
Communication error after integration
Application scenario, 87
Checklist, 53, 59
Effective ranges, 73
Objects, 73
CRC checksum