External Accessories
Universal Test Kit (TS-3 1 )
General Information
(detailed instructions supplied with kit)
Hazardous Voltage.
Will cause severe injury or death.
Turn power off and lock out all power supplying
breaker to be tested before removing cover(s)
and during testing.
Replace all covers and shields before power
supplying breaker is turned on.
Safety Instructions
TS-31 Procedures
Operating Instructions
Remove electrical loads from circuit breaker.
B. Plug the TS-31 test set into a grounded 1 20 VAC
receptacle and turn it on. You will be greeted by the
identifying turn-on message:
Siemens Energy
Automation, Inc.
TS-31 Test Set Press any key to continue.
C. Select the appropriate ribbon cable assembly and
connect it between the TS-31 and the circuit breaker,
making sure of alignment and polarity. After pressing
ENTER, the TS-31 will prompt:
Enter catalog number:
D. Type in the catalog of the circuit breaker if a JD, LD,
MD, NO, PO FRAME. If the unit being tested is a SB
ENCASED BREAKER , type in the catalog number of the
trip unit (currently on the side of the trip unit proper and
the side of the circuit breaker if the unit was factory
installed .)
After entering the catalog number information, press the
ENTER key. The TS-31 will respond with:
Searching Catalog . . .
Searching Family/Series . . .
If an invalid catalog number has been entered , the
TS-31 will respond with:
XXX . . . NOT found.
Press any key to continue.
and you will be asked to enter another catalog number.
E. If valid catalog number has been entered , the TS-31
will prompt for the breaker settings. The TS-31 will
respond with:
Enter Continuous Current Setting in %:
If the unit being tested is a SB ENCASED BREAKER trip
unit set the continuous setting to 1 00% (this equals the
value of the rating plug which is referred to as
Enter Long Time Delay in Seconds:
Enter Instantaneous Pickup Setting:
For breakers with short time functions you may be asked
one of the following:
Enter Short Time Pickup:
Select Short Time Delay 1 -Fixed 2-12t:
Enter Short Time Delay in Seconds:
For breakers with ground fault you will be asked :
Select Ground Fault Type: 1 - Residual
2 - Gnd. Return 3 - Unsure:
Enter Ground Fault
in % :
Enter Ground Fault Delay: 1 -Fixed 2-12t:
Enter Ground Fault Delay
In each case, enter your breaker's switch settings. For
example if your breaker is set for 70%, type 70 and
then press ENTER. Entry of erroneous data in the
above steps will result in false tests and results.
F. After entering the breaker switch settings, you must
select the test you wish to have performed:
Enter test: L - Long S - Short I - lnst
G - Gnd. Fault C - CT Cont.?
"L" - Long time or overload test
"S" - Short time test
" I " - Instantaneous test
"G" - Ground fault test
"C" - Current transformer continuity test
G . If you press ENTER, you will be prompted for the phase
to be tested : The TS-31 will d isplay:
Enter Phase to Test:
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