Frame Installation Instructions
Stationary Drawout Element
H azardous Voltage.
Will cause severe injury or death.
Tu rn system power off before
installing device.
General Instructions
Installation instructions for systems breakers, trip units, and
rating plugs are presented in this section. Installation in
structions for accessories that may be installed in the field
are presented in the Accessories section .
Installing Drawout Constructed SB Breakers
Drawout constructed SB breakers are designed to be
installed from the front into a switchboard with a minimum
width opening of 28.34 inches. The stationary drawout
element may be secured in the switchboard at the front to
vertical supports and at the top and bottom to horizontal
Installing the Stationary Drawout Element
Prepare the switchboard for installation of the stationary
drawout element in accordance with the outline drawings
located in the Outline Dimension Drawings section, pages
7 4-79. The outline dimension drawing of the stationary
drawout element for the 4000A frame is located on pages
7 4-75 . The locations of the mounting holes are depicted on
the drawings.
Carefully u n crate the stationary d rawout e leme nt.
Remove all packing material with the exception of the tie
wraps holding the extension rails in place . Depending
upon the installation scheme, it may be necessary to
remove the tie wraps on the extension rails just prior to
securing the stationary drawout element in the switch
board . If the stationary drawout element is secured to a
pallet, remove the securing device.
The bottom ofthe stationary drawout must be secured to the
switchboard using four (4)
bolts. Additional mounting
hardware may be used to attach the top and front of the
stationary drawout, but is not required.
Attach lifting device to identified lifting points only.
The stationary drawout element can be manually lifted
and held in position as it is being installed. However, if
preferred, the two holes identified as lifting points on the
outline drawing may be used to attach a lifting device.
(NOTE: The two (2) rear holes are located such that the
stationary drawout element can be easily balanced as it
is being lifted by a crane or hoist.
Do not
lift stationary
drawout e lement by only the two (2) top front holes. If
preferred, device can be lifted by utilizing all four (4) top
holes.) Lifting devices should not be attached to any
other points. The stationary drawout element should not
be lifted by the primary stabs.
Lift the stationary drawout element into position and secure
it in place . Remove the lifting device .
Remove the tie wraps securing the extension rails. Check
to ensure that no packing or other foreign material im
pedes rail movement.
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