Siemens Building Technologies
Basic Documentation RVA47.320
HVAC Products
Description of the heating engineer settings
Lead boiler with a fixed changeover of the
boiler sequence
Lead boiler of the cascade with a fixed changeover of the boiler sequence can be
freely selected
Better adjustment to the plant’s demand profile by selecting a suitable type of boiler
as the lead boiler
With a fixed changeover of the boiler sequence (refer to operating line 130), the lead
boiler can be freely selected.
1. Press the operating line selection buttons to select operating line 132.
2. Press the + / - buttons to select the required lead boiler.
Setting range
Factory setting
00.1...16.3 -
The boiler defined as the lead boiler is always the first boiler to be switched on and the
last to be switched off. The other boilers are switched on and off in accordance with the
order of the device addresses / device subaddresses.
For example, display 1.1 means that device 1 (in segment 0), device subaddress 1
(BMU 1), is the selected lead boiler.
All cascade boilers must be in segment 0 so that the heat demand signals from all
segments can be acquired. For more detailed information about the device address /
device subaddress, refer to ”Local Process Bus (LPB), Basic Documentation, System
Engineering” (document no. CE1P2370E).
This setting has an effect only if function "Changeover of boiler sequence in cascades"
(operating line 130) is set to ”---” = fixed switching on / off sequence.