Display messages
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Siemens AG
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Medical Solutions
Rev. 03
CS PS 24
List of displayed messages
Err 3
Overvoltage > 142 kV
Err 4
Poor kV regulation
Err 5
No tube current
Err 6
Anode speed too slow
Exposure time too long
Err 9
High-tension asymmetry
USE 10
Single tank > 50° or < 8°C, measured at the location of the temperature sensor
CAL 12
Values in CMOS memory lost
CAL 13
Filament voltage, 60 V DC on D4 not present
CAL 14
Overvoltage in the capacitor bank (> 360 V)
USE 15
Preparation level held by the user > 20 s
Err 16
Capacitor bank charging too fast
Err 17
Capacitor bank charging too slow
Err 18
Capacitor voltage charging too slowly
CAL 19
Leakage current too high in the capacitor
USE 20
Radiation release button was released during the exposure
Err 21
Filament current incorrect for standby
Err 22
Filament current incorrect for exposure
Err 23
During exposure, the main inverter was interrupted > 3 times
USE 24
The selected kV and mAs values are lost
USE 25
The calculated anode load is lost
CAL 26
Error in RAM
CAL 27
Error in ROM
CAL 28
Error in the operating system
CAL 29
No single tank connected or an error in the connection
USE 30
The customer values stored in CMOS memory are lost
CAL 31
Replace backup battery < 2.8 V.
Err 32
Capacitance of the capacitor bank is too low
Err 34
Error log overfull
Err 35
Watchdog responded
USE 39
Battery voltage is too low