DAP measuring system (option)
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Siemens AG
Page 3 of 4
Medical Solutions
Rev. 03
CS PS 24
Calculate the reference DAP value using the measured dose value according to the
following formula:
Record the DAP value measured with the DAP measuring system (DAP value from
Calculate a comparison with the following formula:
The comparison value shows the deviation between the actual DAP value (measured
with the dose meter) and the DAP value measured with the DAP measuring system. If
the comparison value is negative, the DAP display shows a value that is lower than the
actual value, and vice versa.
If the comparison value is less than ±5%, the calibration is completed.
To correct the deviation, press the “UP” button on the calibration tool (for negative
comparison values) or the “Down” button (for positive comparison values). Pressing a
button once corresponds to approximately 0.5% change of the comparison value.
Repeat the calibration sequence until the deviation is less than ±5%.
System OFF.
Remove the DAP calibration tool and reconnect the DAP ionization chamber to board
D70 (pos. 1 / Fig. 1).
System ON.
Press the reset and the test button to complete the calibration procedure.
Release a test exposure.
Miscellaneous service issues
No further service or maintenance shall be performed on the DAP ionization chamber and
the DAP display. Note that the warranty becomes void if the DAP ionization chamber or
the DAP display are opened or altered in any fashion.
The middle push-button on the DAP calibration tool is for test
purpose. It has the same function as the test button on the DAP
Reference DAP value
measured dose value reference area unit
Comparison value (%)
100 DAP value from display
Calculated DAP value