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Siemens Industry, Inc.
EcoView Energy Management System
Building Technologies
Unoccupied Mode Settings
Unoccupied Cool Setpoint - Cooling setpoint to be used during Unoccupied Mode. Valid range = 50°F
to 90°F (10°C to 32°C).
Unocc Low Temp Alarm Setpoint - The trigger temperature for a low temperature alarm during
Unoccupied Mode.
Unoccupied Heat Setpoint - Heating setpoint to be used during Unoccupied Mode. Valid range = 50°F
to 90°F (10°C to 32°C).
Unocc High Temp Alarm Setpoint - The trigger temperature for a high temperature alarm during
Unoccupied Mode.
NOTE: Setpoint override is allowed in Unoccupied mode. Both Occupied and Unoccupied modes have the
same setpoint limits and Override times.
Changing the following setpoints will permanently change the settings for all periods in the future when this
thermostat’s Mode point is set to Occupied. If a temporary override is desired, use the Cool Setpoint or
Heat Setpoint.
Occupied Cool Setpoint
Occupied Heat Setpoint
Occupied High Temp Alarm
Occupied Low Temp Alarm
Setpoint Override Time
Occupied Setpoint Offset
Changing the following setpoints will permanently change the settings for all periods in the future when this
thermostat’s Mode point is set to Unoccupied. If a temporary override is desired, use the Cool Setpoint or
Heat Setpoint.
Unoccupied Cool Setpoint
Unoccupied Heat Setpoint
Unoccupied High Temp Alarm
Unoccupied Low Temp Alarm
8DO Module (Relay) Device Settings
This topic outlines the information displayed in the Device Settings pane when a relay
is selected from the dashboard.
Schedule overrides are performed from the Device Settings pane. When a new state
value is entered through the Device Settings pane, the override value is used until the
next transition time.
Device names may be changed through the Device Settings pane. However, you may
need to log off and log in again to see the new name displayed.
Changes made through the Device Settings pane are accepted by the system as
soon as you press ENTER or click the mouse.
Updates made in EcoView Web may take up to five minutes to be received by the
EcoView MicroPad controller.