EcoView Web
Site Activation and Checkout
30 | 62
Siemens Industry, Inc.
EcoView Energy Management System
Building Technologies
Verify that the Enabled box is cleared for devices that are not being used at the site.
Unused devices may have been disabled during the EcoView MicroPad controller installation.
Disabled devices will not display in EcoView Web.
Name Preferred
If desired, rename a device by clicking its associated Name field and typing the text.
Type of hardware installed.
Last Contact
Time since the device last communicated with the EcoView MicroPad controller .
If the device has not communicated with the EcoView MicroPad controller in the last 15 minutes, troubleshoot the
communication problems as described in Troubleshooting Communication Problems [
Measure of the signal strength between the EcoView MicroPad controller and the device. Statuses are:
GOOD. Communication between the device and the EcoView MicroPad controller is GOOD, no further action is
FAIR. The EcoView MicroPad controller is communicating with the device.
Change the device position to see if the signal strength can be improved.
Use the TEST feature at the EcoView MicroPad controller to evaluate the signal strength before completing the
site commissioning.
POOR. Communication between the device and the EcoView MicroPad controller is POOR. Allowing a site to
operate with POOR signal strength is discouraged.
Reposition the device to improve the signal strength.
Use the TEST feature at the EcoView MicroPad controller to evaluate the signal strength before completing the
site commissioning.
If the RSSI status is FAIR or POOR, troubleshoot the communication problems before continuing. See Troubleshooting
Enter the support contact information (up to seven lines of text) that you want displayed on the EcoView MicroPad
controller Support tab.
Save & Close Checkout Button
Saves changes, closes the dialog box, and completes the checkout. The site will be transferred from Pending Device
Checkout to Active Sites.
Save Changes Button
Saves changes and closes the dialog box. The user can return at a later time to complete the checkout. The site will
remain in Pending Device Checkout.
Cancel Button
Discards all changes and closes the dialog box. The site will remain in Pending Device Checkout.
Troubleshooting Communication Problems
Do the following at the EcoView MicroPad controller:
Press the SUPPORT button.
Press the Installation tab.
Press the CONFIG button.
4. Press the DEVICE NETWORK icon.