Detailed commissioning steps
97 | 118
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
10.8.4 Auto-configuring the detector line
Incorrect order for reading in a ↑ loop, no isolation of second 'Line'
Error when reading in a loop
The C-NET detector lines are detected as ↑ stubs during the first system startup,
e.g., 'Line' 11, 'Line' 12 (2-digit line number), even if they are connected as a loop.
● Before you proceed to reading in the first 'Line', you must isolate the second
● To read in a loop, always select the first 'Line', in this case 'Line' 11. 'Line' 12
is then read in automatically and a loop is displayed with a 1-digit line number,
in this case as 'Line' 1.
● Proceed in the same way from 'Line' 21/22 (loop 2) to 'Line' 41/42 (loop 4).
Overwriting an existing configuration
Parts of an existing customer-specific configuration are lost.
● First save an existing customer-specific configuration.
1. Select 'Main menu' > 'Topology' > 'Hardware tree' > ↑ 'Station' > 'Module' (line
card) > 'Line'.
2. Press the 'MoreOptions' softkey and select 'Execute commands'.
3. Select the 'Auto-configure line' command.
The C-NET detector line is auto-configured.
The following message is shown following successful ↑ auto-configuration:
'Command executed'