Switch on the voltage supply for the safety light curtain.
Roughly align the sender with the receiver: Rotate the sender so that it points
toward the receiver.
If a pushbutton or switch has been connected for the integrated laser align‐
ment aid, activate the integrated laser alignment aid. Turn the sender so that
the beam of the integrated laser alignment aid hits the area of diagnostic
LEDs 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the longitudinal axis of the receiver.
Align the receiver to the sender: Turn the receiver and pay attention to the indica‐
tion of the alignment quality and the synchronization status of the topmost and
bottommost beams.
If a hand or a tool is in the protective field during the alignment, but diagnos‐
tic LEDs 5, 6, 7 and 8 are already lit up, remove the object and continue with
step 6.
Align the sender to the receiver with more precision as needed and pay attention
to the indication of the alignment quality and the synchronization status of the
topmost and bottommost beams.
Align the receiver to the sender with more precision as needed and pay attention
to the indication of the alignment quality and the synchronization status of the
topmost and bottommost beams.
If at least 3 (better: 4) of diagnostic LEDs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and diagnostic LEDs 5, 6,
7 and 8 light up blue, fix the components in place in the brackets. Torque: 2.5 Nm
to 3 Nm.
Switch the voltage supply off and then on again.
Check diagnostic LEDs 1 to 4 for the alignment quality and diagnostic LEDs 5 to 8
for the synchronization of the topmost and bottommost beams in order to ensure
that the components are still aligned with each other correctly.
If suitable wiring has been established, activate the integrated laser alignment aid.
Complementary information
In many cases, the optional AR60 laser alignment aid and the alignment tool available
as an accessory can make alignment even easier. If deflector mirrors are installed, the
laser alignment aid can be used at the receiver. If there is a large protective field height,
it can be used at the top end of the sender and at the receiver.
Since the optional AR60 laser alignment aid is placed with the adapter inside the
protective field of the safety light curtain, at most diagnostic LEDs 1 and 2 light up blue
and the OSSD LED lights up red. To check whether the OSSD LED of the receiver lights
up green and diagnostic LEDs 5,6,7 and 8 light up blue, remove the optional AR60
laser alignment aid.
Further topics
"Indication of the alignment quality", page 114
"Laser alignment aid", page 60
Alignment with the QuickFix bracket
The sender and receiver are mounted with a QuickFix bracket
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | deTec4
8021645/1EB0/2022-04-28 | SICK
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