Media tool buttons are not displayed on the tool bar
Is the media tool whose button you want to display selected under
“Tool Selection”?
Choose “Tool Selection” from the “Option” menu and select the
media tool whose button you want to display.
Images copied onto a SmartMedia card are not dis-
played on the VN-EZ1
Is the copied image file an ASF or JPEG file?
Was the copied image file taken on the VN-EZ1 or converted by
Bit Rate Adaptor?
Files are named automatically when they are copied into a quick
Files cannot be copied or moved
Is the file you are trying to copy or move currently being used?
Is there enough Capacity on the disk to which you are trying to
copy or move the file?
If you have trouble copying a still image from the PixLab Media
Browser to another application, try opening that image in the PixLab
Viewer and selecting “Copy to Clipboard” from the PixLab Viewer’s
“Edit” menu.
Images divided and edited on the VN-EZ1 are not dis-
When images are divided and edited on the VN-EZ1, ASB files are
created. These files cannot be played as such. Use the ASB to
ASF Converter tool to convert them to ASF format.
No device is displayed on the TWAIN selection window
Is a fully TWAIN compatible device (camera, scanner, etc.) driver
Note that TWAIN device driver software is not supported by PixLab.
For details, contact the TWAIN device’s manufacturer.
Problems in communications with a camera, scan-
ner, etc.
Also read the online help of the TWAIN driver of the device with
which you are trying to communicate.
Is the device with which you are trying to communicate fully TWAIN
Are the device with which you are trying to communicate and the
computer properly connected by cable?
Is the power of the device with which you are trying to communi-
cate turned on?
Are the “Communications settings”, etc., of the device with which
you are trying to communicate properly set?
Note that TWAIN device driver software is not supported by PixLab.
For details, contact the TWAIN device’s manufacturer.
HTML documents are not created with HTML Creator
Check the folder specified at “Save HTML files to” using PixLab
Media Browser or Explorer.
If “View in default web browser after completion” is not checked,
the HTML document is not displayed in the web browser once it is