SI 4500
- 18 -
Step No.4 - Measure the “DEAD Weight of Weighing Scale.
Memorize “DEAD weight” of Weighing Machine
with “Enter”.
Indicator will search “DEAD weight” during
5sec, automatically.
Under this step, measure the “DEAD Weight of Weighing Scale”.
This “DEAD Weight” is very important to make
value of weighing scale, so please make sure that
the weighing scale is empty and free from other external variations.
When you press
key, the indicator starts to find “Zero” condition of scale during the 5sec.
After finding optimal “Zero” value, automatically move to next step.
At this step, if there some force or Vibration on Weighing scale, and unstable condition will be continued,
will be display, and “DEAD value” will not be calculated.
Under this condition, please remove force or vibration and process it again.
Step No.5 - Input Test Weight value and Calculate SPAN value.
Input “Test weight” capacity
Input “Test weight” capacity and
press “Enter”.
Load “Test weight” on
weighing part.
Process Span Calculation with
press “Enter”.
Indicator will calculate span
value during 5sec, automatically.
After calculation, display span
value on the display
Under this step, input prepared
“Test Weight’s value”
and calculate
“SPAN Value”
“Test Weight’s value”
must be at least
max. capacity of weighing scale.