MultiExact Gas Analyser
The analyser complies with the European Community "Electromagnetic
Compatibility Directive":
Emissions: Equipment suitable for use in domestic establishments and in
establishments directly connected to a low voltage supply which supplies
buildings for domestic purposes.
Immunity: Industrial locations.
The analyser complies with the European Community "Low Voltage Directive", by
the application of:
EN 61010–1 and rated for Category II, Pollution Degree 2.
The analyser complies with the Class B digital apparatus requirements of ICES–
003 of Canada through the application of EN 55011:2007.
L'analyseur est conforme aux Conditions B numériques d'appareillage de classe
de NMB–003 du Canada par l'application du EN 55011:2007.
This analyser complies with Part 15 of the US FCC Rules for Class B equipment. It
is suitable for operation when connected to a public utility power supply that also
supplies residential environments.
The analyser has been assessed to IEC 61010–1 for electrical safety including any
additional requirements for US and Canadian national differences.
Servomex Group Ltd is a BS EN ISO 9001 and BS EN ISO 14001 certified
05410001A / Revision 6