Restrictions on Copying
Note that the copying of some items may be limited or prohibited by law.
Copying of the following items is prohibited by law.
• Bank bills, coins, securities, government-issued marketable
securities, government bond securities, municipal securities
(including those stamped “sample”).
• Bills, coins and securities circulated in foreign countries.
• Unused postage stamps and postcards for which copying is not
allowed by the government.
• Government stamps and securities that are subject to regulation by
• Other materials for which copying is prohibited by applicable laws.
Some exercise caution when copying the following items
• Be aware that the government allows copying of private valuable
securities (stocks, bills, checks, etc.), commuter passes and
commutation tickets, in which only minimum copying is necessary to
carry out the operating companies’ businesses.
• Passports issued by governmental authorities, licenses driver’s issued
by public authorities and private organizations, permissions, IDs,
passes, meal coupons and other tickets cannot be copied without prior
Responsible use of copyrighted materials
• Copying of copyrighted books, music, pictures, prints, maps,
drawings, movies, photographs and other copyrighted materials are
prohibited except for personal, domestic or other limited usage.
Unless actions on the advice of a knowledgeable attorney, be
responsible and respectful by obtaining the permission of the
copyright holder before copying published material.