02.01|FDB 150, 300, 340, 660, 900, 1040 |en
6 Make sure to retain the small o-ring and alignment dowel pin
for reuse. Discard the old ring cylinder.
7 Clean the any debris and lubrication from the alignment pin,
o-ring, rear, and front housing assemblies using a clean lint
free rag.
8 Apply a thin film of Magnalube to the small o-ring and align-
ment dowel pin and insert into the front housing.
9 Apply a thin film of Magnalube to the front housing bore
where the ring cylinder seats.
10 Insert the new ring cylinder into the front housing assembly
using the alignment dowel pin, alignment mark on the ring cyl-
inder and the alignment notch in the front housing for proper
orientation. Make sure the small o-ring is in place.
11 Fit the retaining ring into the groove in the front housing as-
sembly to secure the ring cylinder.
12 Align the spindle boot and the boot ring with the holes in the
ring cylinder.