02.01|FDB 150, 300, 340, 660, 900, 1040 |en
Working Environment
As described in previous sections the FDB should only be used in
an automated cell/chamber.
The work cell must be secured by means of barriers to prohibit per-
sonnel from entering the cell. A lockable door should be included as a
part of the barrier in order to facilitate access to the cell for author-
ized personnel only. The barrier could consist partly or fully of Plexi-
glas to facilitate observation of the deburring operations.
During system or FDB maintenance, make sure the FDB and robot
are stopped before entering the robot cell. When installing and
testing, never be present in the cell when the FDB is running.
Be aware of rotating parts. Use eye-protection while working
around the FDB.
Be aware of high sound levels. While the FDB air motor is not loud,
the cutting action associated with deburring frequently is. Always
use hearing protection while working in the neighborhood of the
deburring cell.
Operational Considerations
For instructions on how to replace the burr, please consult
In many robotic deburring applications, including steel and alumi-
num, no cooling or lubrication of the rotary burr is necessary. For
some materials and situations, the addition of coolants or com-
pressed air may aid the cutting process. If it is determined that liq-
uid coolants are required, a non-oil, cutting type should be used to
prevent premature wear of the spindle bearing.
Burr selection is discussed in