02.01|FDB 150, 300, 340, 660, 900, 1040 |en
for manual/hand deburring. Once securely mounted, the unit
should be supplied with clean, dry, non-lubricated air filtered 5 mi-
cron or better. The use of a coalescing air filter is recommended to
remove all trace moisture and oil.
Air line fittings supplying the FDB should be installed with care us-
ing a minimum of tape or liquid sealant. To prevent contaminant
damage to the air motor, all air lines should be blown down to re-
move debris prior to connection of the FDB.
The FDB must be supplied with clean, dry, non-lubricated air
filtered five micron or better. The use of a coalescing filter is
Water and oil damage of the air motor or damage associated with
the debris in the air lines is not covered under warranty.
Axial Mounting Installation
Axial Installation
A blank robot adapter plate is also available to allow axial mount-
ing off the rear of the deburring tool housing. This plate may be
modified by the system integrator or by the owner/user of the
FDB. SCHUINK can provide custom interface plates and adapters
upon request. An optional bench mount adapter plate allows the
FDB to be permanently attached to a bench or other work surface .
If the FDB is permanently mounted to a work surface, the robot
carries the part to be deburred to the FDB.